March 24, 2023

Many of us have a hard time to write every day. We have a difficult time to even make some space for our writing. Yet, if we are serious about our writing, we must show up and write regularly. In other words, as the saying goes, writers write. Here are some tips to help you…

March 20, 2023

Spring is a season of growth, change, possibility, and renewal. Have you ever thought of using these ideas and plug them into your writing life? Spring can be such a great time to renewal and refresh your goals. Many of us have stale goals. They don’t seem to go anywhere, and they bore us. Even…

March 13, 2023

Over my many years of coaching writers, I have discovered that most writers fall into two different categories when it comes to their writing: they either do too much or too little. Either way, we can’t be productive. Writers who do too much will register for every online workshop they find to get better at…

March 10, 2023

This is a unique dramatic story that takes the reader through recesses of human angst and journeys to places where intrigue lie. It is a very different story, one of which I have never read before. Not only is it written in the third person, but the characters are drawn very unusually too. It makes…

March 6, 2023

It’s hard to believe, but we’re approaching the end of the first quarter. Did you get everything done that you promised yourself in the first quarter? If you haven’t, perhaps it’s time to become razor focused on completing your one or two main goals for the first quarter. You wouldn’t want to start your next…

March 3, 2023

There’s a lot of focus these days on meditation and mindfulness. We all seem to feel overwhelmed and unfocused. We tend to overdo it and overstress. We are overconnected on the internet and we overdo it every day. What if this mindless state was also negatively impacting our prayer life? How many of us come…

February 27, 2023

Most of us simply slip from one month into another seamlessly without thinking or evaluating how we did the previous month. This is fine if you had a productive month. But what if you had an unproductive month?  Or what if you didn’t complete your goals as you planned?  It’s important for writers not to…

February 20, 2023

So many of us struggle to write consistently. We may write for a day or two and then skip a week or two of writing. Unfortunately, this can only lead to a lack of productivity and success. It is far better for you to make sure you write regularly. If you have been in my…

February 13, 2023

Many of us believe that if we’re busy, we are productive. Yet, that’s a chimera.  Many times, we may be doing busy work, but we are not productive, but just plugging away doing random things that don’t help us to complete our goals. Therefore, it’s important for us to ensure that when we sit down…

February 6, 2023

I recently came upon a new book written by Chris Bailey called How to Calm Your Mind. In the book, he discusses a corollary of productivity, and that is calm. It would sound strange that a guru of productivity who has always written about how to be efficient and effective now is arguing that we…