May 5, 2010

There are many experts who LOVE to give us advice as to how to begin our writing careers. But the important thing to remember is this is OUR writing lives. And we have to live through our writing. So, if we aren’t true to ourselves and write about what we want, we will be betraying…

May 3, 2010

When you start off as a writer, it is easy to let others make decisions for you and to tell you what to do and not do. After all, since you are beginning your writing career, you feel like a novice and you want to do the best that you can and be the best…

April 28, 2010

Writers should learn to be true to who they are as writers and not to try to please their teachers and mentors. Many times, our teachers don’t know the type of writing that we are most geared towards writing. We have to supply them this information. There is nothing worse than when writers write about…

April 27, 2010

It is important for writers to get to know themselves as writers. This means that they have to get to know how they work and how they can best excel, and once they know this, they cannot allow others (such as teachers and mentors) to dictate what they should be doing or writing about as…

April 20, 2010

It is important when you are beginning to get to know yourself as a writer, and when you discover what you are, don’t let anyone deter you from your goals. This means that at the beginning of your writing career, it is okay to experiment. You should try different kinds of writing, and write for…

April 18, 2010

This week, I will ponder how hard it is for beginning writers to begin to make their way. It is never easy for writers to know what they should and what they should not be writing about. I believe it is important for writers to have an open mind and to try different types of…

April 13, 2010

One of the most important things for beginning writers to figure out is what kind of writing they want to do. This will focus your writing and make it possible for you to be successful in the kind of writing that you really want to be doing. I have been trying to do this myself….

April 7, 2010

The second step to writing a picture book after you created your story frame is to think of a general question about the underlying issue that you are trying to unravel in your story. There are many ways that the story question can be asked. This is what will ultimately give your story its uniqueness….

April 5, 2010

Picture books must be enjoyed by both kids and adults. This is because kids listen to their parents read to them. And parents are adults who have to endure reading the same book over and over again. Because of this, it is really important that the picture book is well written, has great rhythm and…

March 31, 2010

I was so taken up with yesterday’s topic that I would like to continue on the topic of what constitutes a professional writer again today. Professional writers don’t drift through their day while amateur writers do. Professional writers consciously set their goals and make sure that they fulfill all of them on a consistent basis….