February 6, 2017

Many writers have a difficult time to get to their desks on a consistent basis. Part of the problem is creating a habit of writing every day, despite all of our distractions and difficulties. Life is never problem- free it seems, and there is always something ready to catapult our writing time, if we let…

November 21, 2016

This is a great book about the 25th anniversary of the Lecture Series. It brings the best writers and everything that they say is necessary for a writer’s life. Some of the stories are humorous. Others are more serious. But together, they are a threasure-throve of great tips for writers of all vintages from beginner…

November 7, 2016

This is another book about how to succeed as a freelance writer in Canada. I have been reading a few books this month about this topic because I am a writer, and of course, I am writing in Canada. So, it is a book that I will read and re-read over the years. This book…

October 26, 2016

Hi there! It is GREAT to have you here on my blog today! Describe Your Writing Life to the reader as a way to inspire others to read your book. The beginning sentence is always the hardest, and it overwhelming to gather my thoughts together. Who am I writing to? What am I going to…

October 19, 2016

It is GREAT to have you here for Day 2 of your VBT tour Nancy! 1. What is the theme of your book or description A quirky racehorse gets a second chance in life helping children with autism. 2. Who is the Audience? This book is geared for children 4-9 or anyone one interested in…

October 5, 2016

Please describe your book to my readers. 1. What is the theme of your book or description This is a holiday book about the very first Christmas Eve in the stable before Joseph & Mary arrived. 2. Audience It was written for anyone who loves the magic of Christmas 3. Publisher Information Halo Publishing International….

September 19, 2016

A writer’s vision is usually derived from her intention to write. A writer’s vision is based on a short-term and long-term prognostic of which she wants to achieve in her writing career. A writer’s vision is usually something that is unique to the writer and it is determined by her themes and personality. Preparing a…

September 7, 2016

1. What are your hobbies? Cooking with my family, especially my daughters. 2. What do you do when you are not writing? I drive an 18 wheeler tractor coast-to-coast. 3. Are you a full-time writer? No. I hope to be, one day. 4. Do you have a favorite quote? I can do all things through…

August 29, 2016

LR Gray’s book is a very excellent picture book about how to conquer your fears and to trust in God. It is a book that kids of all ages will enjoy over and over again. Here is more information about this wonderful book 1. What is the theme of your book or description Who Goes…

August 11, 2016

Theme of Book JoJo is not your everyday, fancy schmancy, purebred canine, but a mutant-mutt with a mish-mash of curious characteristics belonging to different sorts. Throw in a pair of unmatched peepers and a heart as big as the Georgia sky, and you have found a genuine friend who is nothing short of D-O-R-K-Y! In…