
Writing Partners and Critique Groups

There is a difference between having a writing partner and being part of a critique group. I think that serious writers need both a writing partner and a critique group in order to excel as a writer. This is especially the case when you are starting out as a writer. Recently, I formed a relationship with a writing partner. I can’t believe the difference she has made with my writing. We contact each other once a week and we talk for about an hour. We talk about our writing projects and our goals for the week. We encourage each other to take on writing projects and help each other through tough times. This has been such a blessing in my writing life. I feel so alone when writing. None of my friends are writers, so talking to them doesn’t help me a bit at all. So, I feel so blessed having a writing partner, and since I started talking to her and working with her, I have excelled beyond measure. I hope that we will be each other writing partner for a long time. Critique groups are also important for writers. And I am part of two such groups. Those groups are usually wonderful places for writers to exchange their writing and have it critiqued. Other readers can tell a a lot about your writing that you can’t see yourself. And that kind of objectivity is necessary. Critique groups are especially important for writers who are just about to send manuscripts out to publishers. It is difficult for you to see mistakes in your own manuscripts. However, it is amazing how quickly other individuals can point out inconsistencies, plotting problems, and so on. So, if you are a serious writer, I suggest that you have both a writing partner and a critique group that you belong to. You don’t necessarily need to get together with these individuals in person. The internet has given writers so many choices to meet people without actually leaving the comfort of their homes. ~ Irene

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