October 3, 2022

One of the most important ways for you to be a productive writer is to build momentum into your writing career. It can be difficult to do this at first. But after you set a few wholesome writing habits, your momentum will be built from the ground up. For those of you have been reading…

September 23, 2022

Creating a Routine that Works for You Another habit of successful writers is to create a routine and to follow the routine as much as you can. Part of creating a successful routine, one that works, is to know when you write best, and when you can fit writing into your life so that you…

June 6, 2022

Do you identify yourself as a writer? In other words, do you tell others you are a writer? Or do you just keep being a writer a secret from others because of a fear of ridicule? Psychologists believe that the way we see ourselves can have a dramatic effect on our actions in the short…

June 1, 2022

Hi all! Since we all seem to be doing boot camp this month, I think it would be best if I simply had 4 mini-lessons for this month with no necessary assignments to submit. That way, you could focus on writing your book, which is what Bootcamp is all about! So, for this month, please…