
Oh What A Tangled We Weave When We First Practise to Deceive

Writers should learn to be true to who they are as writers and not to try to please their teachers and mentors. Many times, our teachers don’t know the type of writing that we are most geared towards writing. We have to supply them this information. There is nothing worse than when writers write about things that they have a passion for. You can’t hide your passions and you shouldn’t let other people dictate what your likes and dislikes are as a writer either. This is usually a recipe for disaster. So, fellow writers, once you determine what your passion is in writing, stick to it. And if you don’t know what it is, don’t allow another person force you to stick to one kind of writing. Take a sufficient amount of time determining what kind of writing really suits you. Otherwise, every day when you sit down and write, you will deceiving yourself. And there is nothing worse than being a dishonest writer. I think that writing can be cathartic. However, in order for it to act as a cleansing process, you must be true to your own writing and the type of writing that you are doing. So, dare to be yourself and dare to be honest because this is YOUR writing life. ~ Happy Writing ~ Irene

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