
Monday Morning Blues

In January, we’re all trying to start new habits that will help us be more productive and successful. So, this month, I will start this process of self-betterment.

It can be difficult to focus right from the get-to on Mondays. Writers struggle with that.

It’s a lot easier to focus when you have a job to go to, regardless of whether you work from the office, home, or a bit of both. However, if you don’t have any official writing hours, you may be distracted and going from one activity to another, none of which is related to your writing.

To avoid such a situation, which I struggle with as well, I will commit this month on this blog to laying out some tips on how to start your writing week off strong.  

Today, I will focus on the first few tips that I believe are important to set yourself up for success on Monday morning.

  1. On the weekend, decide what you plan to do in the upcoming week. What are your writing goals? What are your administrative goals? Write them down in your weekly planner.
  2. Decide what you will complete every day. Write those goals down.
  3. Set your writing times ahead on the weekend.
  4. Set one small, doable goal on Monday morning that you can complete in one sitting, such as writing a blog post or short article. Write that down in your planner.
  5. Set an intention to write on Monday. When you wake up, do a few stretches in bed, and start thinking about your writing goals for that day and when you’re supposed to be writing as you put the coffeemaker on.
  6. When the time comes to write, go straight into your office and write. Avoid distractions such as your cell phone, tablet or even checking email. Avoid the morning news. Just go into your office with a cup of coffee and start writing. That’s what you would be expected to do if you were working. So, treat your writing life the same way.
  7. When you come into your office, you should have your first project laid out on your desk with notes on where to start, ready to tackle. That means that you must dust and declutter your office on the weekend so that you are all ready to go on Monday.
  8. Before you sit down to write, do a mindful check in. How are you feeling? Are you tired? Bored? Hungry? Take a few deep breaths, open your word program on your cell phone, and start writing.

By taking these steps, you will set yourself up for success. Also, it will align your mind with your goals and once you come into your office, you will be reminded of what you need to accomplish.

Try it!

Irene Roth