The Artist’s Way Julia Cameron New York: Penguin Putnam, 2002 Cameron’s book is a must read for all writers. She describes the importance of the morning pages and how we could all be writers if we write consistently each and every day. She suggests that writers write three pages a day by long hand after breakfast. The best way to write such pages is through free association. This means that as you start writing, you should write about whatever comes to mind. We shouldn’t worry about punctuation or subject/verb agreement. We should just simply write as quickly and as fluidly as possibly. I love this exercise, and I do this type of writing every day. I have gotten to the point now that it takes me about ten minutes first thing in the morning to simply write. I feel much lighter and I could face my writing day with much more balance and peace. There are times that my dreams take me to places and spaces that are not conducive to writing. So, this practise has helped me immensely. So, if you haven’t already, take the book out of the library and enjoy reading it this weekend. You will be so glad that you did. ~ Happy reading! ~ Irene