This is a sequel to Arcadia’s Children 3: Pushley’s Escape. Like the other three books in the series, this book is just as poignant, and action packed as the rest of his books in this series.
This is a story of action and intrigue in a unique sci-fi setting. It is a story that will have you reading and rereading passages because you just won’t be able to get enough of this wonderful story. It will linger with you, like a fine wine.
Ed Pushley is a dangerous man. His mind seems to be influenced by the spirit of dead ghosts. He agrees to go to Midway and transport equipment so that some of the Great Ones can leave Arcadia, which is a dying world.
Yalt joins Ed on this all-important quest. However, other assassins, such as Tarmy, must take concrete steps to remain hidden because dangers lurk all around them. They want to stay alive. But can they achieve this? Will Ed really complete his mission? Or will his efforts be thwarted, and his life put in danger too?
This is a spell-binding story that will be hard to put down. I love this book and the whole series which I feel grateful to have read and reviewed. The author, Andrew R. Williams, is a wonderful, clear, and intriguing writer. His stories are deep, involved, intricate, and complex. And this one is no exception. I can’t wait to read his next book!
Irene S. Roth
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