July 25, 2010

Now that the July NaNoWriMo is coming to a close for another few months, I will devote myself to organizing my blog in a much more concise manner according to themes. Although I am still working out all the kinks and specific themes, I will be including the following categories consistently throughout the week starting…

July 19, 2010

Well, the July NaNoWriMo is really winding down. However, does this mean that you have to panic or get disillusioned if you either didn’t keep up your daily writing so that your word count is at about 29,000 words? I would suggest fellow friends that you refrain from doing this. As a writer, you will…

July 14, 2010

Writers as I have said so many times tend to be very hard on themselves. They feel that they just can’t measure up to what they think they should be accomplishing. They always feel deficient and they always feel that they could be doing a lot more and a lot better. Perhaps its time to…

July 12, 2010

Well, how are you doing fellow writers? Have you gotten bogged down yet? Are you thinking that maybe I should give up for this time…it isn’t worth it? Well, if you are, don’t feel that way because I got bogged down myself this week. It was very, very hot and humid in Ontario and because…

July 7, 2010

Hi all, Please meet my writing partner. This is who I am always referring to when I talk about my recently acquired kitten. He is SO wonderful and he keeps me sane. His name is Tobey. If you don’t have a kitten, I strongly recommend getting one. He will teach you the importance of having…

July 4, 2010

I’ve really been busy pounding on the keyboard these last few days. And I hope you have too. I am really getting into my novel, and I am looking forward to writing diligently this month. It is very warm and humid in most parts of North America. I know is that way here in Ontario,…

July 1, 2010

Well, since this is the last day before the actual challenge starts, I won’t burden you with too much prose. I just want you to get ready to write tomorrow. I would like you take the time to acknowledge yourself today, put some finishing touches on your writing plans, get your freezer and pantry ready…

June 24, 2010

It is important to go into July with a positive attitude. There is nothing worse than wondering when you will quit or saying to yourself over and over This won’t work it never did, why should it this time! This kind of attitude is really detrimental to your success. Instead, if you must have a…

June 23, 2010

Originally submitted at Dean & DeLuca If you ask Suzanne Lieruance, owner of Three Angels Gourmet Co., her favorite way to prepare her Divine Dill Dip Mix, she'll tell you to combine it with cream cheese, crushed pineapple and chopped pecans, and spread it on thin slices of white bread or crackers. Of course, that's…

June 18, 2010

Do you think you could do the July NaNoWriMo? Well, I don’t even know you and I will honestly say that YES you certainly can do it and will gain a lot from trying. All you need to do it is to have a positive attitude towards writing. That’s right a positive attitude and not…