September 6, 2010

Maybe Pessimism isn’t all bad? One of the chief questions that I want to ask myself today is: Can pessimism actually serve some positive function for writers or is it all bad? Pessimism is like anything else if you have a healthy amount of pessimism, it can perhaps help you, assuming you are not a…

September 1, 2010

Trusting Coaches Ideally, coaches are supposed to help you grow as a writer. And they do for the most part, especially if your coach is positive and offers constructive criticism at all times. However, despite our best attempts, that doesn’t always happen. Many times, sadly, the coach is less than positive, and the relationship between…

August 23, 2010

Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist? Many writers tend to be pessimists. For some reason or other, they put down themselves and their work, and don’t think that they are worth any rewards for working hard and doing the best that they can. Being a pessimist can really wrack havoc with your productivity and…

August 18, 2010

Thinking of Your Writing Career as a Nine to Fiver The hardest thing for writers to be is organized. I can attest to this myself. There are so many distractions within a given day that it is almost impossible to get organized and stay organzed. Add to this, a few elderly parents, and you really…

August 12, 2010

The Artist’s Way Julia Cameron New York: Penguin Putnam, 2002 Cameron’s book is a must read for all writers. She describes the importance of the morning pages and how we could all be writers if we write consistently each and every day. She suggests that writers write three pages a day by long hand after…

August 10, 2010

Topic: Toxic Writing Partners Irene S. Roth Today’s topic is dear to my heart. I know that I have been talking about the positive aspects of writing partnerships over the months. However, today, I want to reflect on toxic writing partnerships. I want to discuss them because they can stifle a writer’s creativity and possibly…

August 9, 2010

Do you have a difficult time to sit down and get some writing done on Monday mornings? Do you have a difficult time focussing? Do you not know where to start with your writing or how to accomplish your writing goals for the week? If you answered any of these questions in the affirmative, the…

August 3, 2010

Sloppiness Sloppiness is a topic that is quite complex and multi-layered. It seems that beginning writers are quite sloppy. They want to get as much done as possible in the shortest amount of time. The bad news is that novice writers need the extra time to do their best writing. If anything, they have to…

August 1, 2010

PLANNING SUNDAYS Well, fellow writers, here’s to a new month and a new way of blogging for me. As promised last week, from now on, and starting in August, I will have different themes for each day of the week for my writing Blog. The themes for this week (and probably for the rest of…

July 27, 2010

It is important for all of us to remember, that most of did a lot more writing than we ordinarily would have during the July NaNoWriMo. I know I did. And given the way this summer was going, I would have done even less, I am sure. This way, I have 30,000 words under my…