
Fall in Love with Writing

We all write for different reasons. Some of us write because we want to. Others write because we want to make a living. And still others write because they can’t no write. Many writers write to understand the world and themselves more. And regardless of the reason why we write, writing is just something that we do in order to be our best and to flourish as a human being. But do you love writing? Or, do you write to make money or because you thought it would be nice to write or because you could show others that you are dep and reflective? These reasons are okay, but they probably won’t get you through some of the rough spots in your writing career which most writers hit at some time in their writing life. The only way to get through the hard times in writing is to absolutely fall in love with writing. Then you will write consistently, regardless of that last rejection letter that you received or whether or not you feel like writing. When you love writing, you will write. And you will also feel fulfilled when you write and not feel that it is some obligation that you must do every day. So, try to decide whether or not you love writing. If you do, you will then be able to sneak into a back room somewhere and you will write often. If you don’t love writing, you will probably look for any excuse whatsoever to not write. The choice is yours really. But if you don’t love writing, perhaps take the time to fall in love with the very idea of writing that you had when you first started writing. That is one way to rekindle how you feel about your writing and to be at your best. Try it!

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