If you like writing every day, create a writing schedule before the busyness of your week starts. Then write down when you will complete a writing goal in your planner and schedule it. That way, you’ll have more of a chance to get your writing done. This is because forming an intention to do something and writing it down reinforces it. An intention provides a roadmap and reminder for what’s important in your life. Intentions give you purpose, as well as the inspiration and motivation to achieve your goals. But you have to be organized to bring them about. Next, organize your appointments so that write around them. You may want to schedule your appointments or other commitments after work, such as going to the gym, dentist, doctor, and so on. Write them into you planner. Also, write down your overtime, if you know ahead of time that you will have to work past your regular working hours. Then take out your weekly planner and write down when you will write. Take some time on Sunday to schedule your writing times for the week. Make sure you schedule writing every day. This will help you plan and organize your writing goals so that you can successfully achieve them. However, be as realistic as possible. This will help you not overextend yourself. I will show you how to set realistic goals through this month. .

Initially, I suggest that you block out fifteen to thirty-minute writing sessions in your planner. You can set a few thirty-minute sessions in the evening if you have the time and inclination. Then, the next day you can write during your lunch hour. But try not to overdo it, especially if you haven’t done much writing in the past. You want to ease into writing to create the habit of writing. You first need to create balance in your life to be successful. You can do so by organizing your life. If you overdo it in the beginning, you will burn out. So, please be careful. Writing is hard work. Also, writer’s block can rear its ugly head. This is because when you’re tired, your mind may draw a blank. If this happens, rest or take a nap after work. After you wake up, consult your organized to-do list of goals so that you can know what to work on next. By writing every day, you will be setting an intention to write. Its such a privilege to write, even though you work full-time. Not only will you get a lot of writing done but you’ll also feel good about yourself.