
Time to Take Stock

Hey there fellow writers, I can’t believe half the year has gone by! It has really flown by for me. Since this is the half mark point of the year, I usually sit down and evaluate my progress with my three major writing goals for the year. At beginning of the year, I sat down and decided on my three main goals. This took me a bit of time to determine as I wanted to make sure that I got my goals correct. Then I wrote those goals down and divided them up into four chunks, one for each quarter of the year. So, now that it is half way through the year, it is time to see how I did. I did do very well, except I discovered that I got bogged down around May with one of my goals. I didn’t think it would take as long as it did to accomplish the goal. It wasn’t that I was wasting time. It was just that I underestimated how long it would take to complete my goal. That can happen, and that’s okay. So, given that I have two more quarters until the end of the year, I have time to focus on my other goals. How are you doing? Did you write down your three major writing goals for the year in January? If you didn’t, why don’t you do this exercise right now. Just sit down and write down your three goals, and then try to do one or two of them before the end of the year. This will help you become much more productive. What is more, you will probably have something to show for all your hard work by the end of the year. Try it! To your writing success! Irene S. Roth Author and Editor

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