
The Spiritual Components of Writing

There are spiritual components to writing. Many people have argued that, and I am fully in agreement with this point of view. I know for myself when I write, I tap into something much deeper and broader. More specifically, when I write, I tap into a well of understanding and openness that is unmatched by any other activity. And that makes me feel whole and content, in a way that no other activity does. In addition, spirituality offers safety, depth, and transcendence to the creative venture. There is energy and an explanatory nature to creativity. Creativity then becomes passionate and primal which is what gives it importance. You can put your unique stamp on your writing through your personality. That is the rewarding part of writing. Nothing can ever come close to the reward that one feels when one creates any manuscript, be it fiction or nonfiction. It is such an essential form of self-expression for the artistic type of person. So, the next time you write, know that you’re not merely writing but you’re also expressing your true essence and personality one word at a time. ~ Happy Writing! ~ Irene

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