
Progress Makes Perfect

Well, the July NaNoWriMo is really winding down. However, does this mean that you have to panic or get disillusioned if you either didn’t keep up your daily writing so that your word count is at about 29,000 words? I would suggest fellow friends that you refrain from doing this. As a writer, you will go through seasons and different levels of progress and achievement. So, if you are not at the exact word count, don’t fret. In fact, any kind of progress will help you for future NaNoWriMo’s. There will be another one in November, and if you don’t finish your word quota now, you will probably do so in the future. The important thing for writers to remember is to have fun. As we write more as writers, we develop our skills and our perspectives as writers. We also progress and become better writers. This is the natural out come of writing consistently. So, consistency is much more important than speed, in my opinion, and it goes further towards developing your long-term skills as a writer. So, take heart fellow writers. Learn that it is okay to slowly progress because progress over time will make perfect. ~ Irene

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