Originally submitted at Dean & DeLuca

If you ask Suzanne Lieruance, owner of Three Angels Gourmet Co., her favorite way to prepare her Divine Dill Dip Mix, she'll tell you to combine it with cream cheese, crushed pineapple and chopped pecans, and spread it on thin slices of white bread or crackers. Of course, that's only one of…
I will definitely buy this product!
By Irene, the Freelance writer from Stratford, Ontario on 6/23/2010
Pros: Non-Perishable, Rich, Very tasty, Flavorful
Cons: None
Best Uses: Marinade, Pasta, Salads, Dipping, Omlettes too
Describe Yourself: Health Conscious, Chef, I love to add spices, I love to try new things, Frequent Diner
I served this dill recently at a family barbeque. They all loved it!