
How to Come Up With New Blog Ideas?

One of the biggest obstacles to blogging on a consistent basis is coming up with blog ideas. Writers struggle to come up with fresh content for their audience.

If you are having this problem, you are not alone. Most regular bloggers struggle with this problem. I have been blogging for years, and I have 6 different blogs, and I will say with certainty that I also struggle to come up with fresh content repeatedly.

This is especially a problem if you blog on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. In what follows, I offer you a few concrete tips on how to find fresh new ideas for your blogs.

  • Use mind maps

Creating a mind map is an excellent way to create an organized brain dump of information with which to create content.

You can start with one topic, circled in the middle of a piece of paper, or you can use mind mapping software such as Mind Meister, with branches that come out of the center topic idea.

Using mind maps is an excellent way to derive content ideas because they help you stay focused and tap into the creative side of your brain.

  • Look at the Table of Contents from books that you read

This is a bit of a tricky way to choose a topic. But it works. And who knows, you can use the information or book to derive other content for other e-books. I think it’s so important for writers to always be reading and learning. This is never wasted time.

Look over the table of contents and see if it can guide you to write about a similar topic. See what people want to know about a topic and then choose your own topics.

  • Repurpose old content

If you have old blogs, you can find new ways of repurposing it. Perhaps you can add a tip that you didn’t think of before. Or perhaps there is another slant on the topic that you didn’t think of. Whatever it is, it can really provide the reader with new information.

Everything that is old can be new again. All you must do is re-present it in a new way with a few new twists.

However you decide to change the content, be sure that you write it down. That way, you can keep track of your topics for the future.

I usually have a notebook where I keep all my blogging topics. I also have created a content planner where I keep track of all the topics that I write about. This need not be a complicated planner. Just whatever works for you.

I also try to devote a special day to create new blogs. For me, it’s usually Friday, and I pre-post my blogs on my WordPress website for the next week. You can do that too. Then, when Monday rolls around, you will have a blog post on your website.

Now that you know how to come up with new content for your blog, why not take some time to do so today?

Have fun creating your new content!