
How a dry erase board can be a great tool to organize writers

A dry erase board can be a fantastic tool to help writers organize their thoughts, ideas, and writing process. You can put it up on your wall in your office so that you can organize all your writing life in one place.

You can also add any doctor appointments that you have or coaching sessions. The idea is that everything is in one place. So, you don’t have to flip through several planner to know what you have scheduled.

But what is more, you can add your writing goals to the dry erase board too.

Here are several ways in which a dry erase board can be beneficial for writers:


Writers can use a dry erase board to create visual outlines for their writing projects. They can write down the main points, sub-points, and supporting details in a hierarchical manner, allowing them to see the overall structure of their work at a glance. This helps writers organize their thoughts and ensures a logical flow in their writing.


The large surface area of a dry erase board is perfect for brainstorming sessions. Writers can jot down their ideas, keywords, phrases, and concepts related to their writing project. The ability to quickly erase and modify content allows for easy reorganization and refinement of ideas.

Plotting and Storyboarding:

For fiction writers, a dry erase board can be used for plotting and storyboarding. They can visually map out the plot, subplots, character arcs, and key events. Writers can move story elements around, add or remove scenes, and maintain an overview of the entire narrative structure.

Tracking Progress:

A dry erase board can serve as a visual representation of a writer’s progress. They can divide the board into sections, such as chapters or milestones, and update the board as they complete each section. This provides a sense of accomplishment and motivates writers to stay on track with their writing goals.

To-Do Lists and Deadlines:

Writers can use a dry erase board to create to-do lists and set deadlines. They can list tasks, such as research, drafting, editing, and revising, and assign specific deadlines to each task. This helps writers stay organized, prioritize their work, and track their progress.

Notes and Reminders:

A dry erase board can serve as a central place for writers to jot down important notes and reminders. They can write down quotes, references, character descriptions, or any other information they need to remember during the writing process. Having everything in one visible location reduces the chances of forgetting crucial details.


Writers working on historical fiction or complex narratives can create timelines on a dry erase board. They can plot important events, dates, and the sequence of story developments. This visual representation helps writers maintain consistency in their storytelling and avoid plot holes or inconsistencies.

Character Development:

Writers can dedicate sections of the dry erase board to individual characters. They can write down character traits, motivations, relationships, and character arcs. This allows writers to keep track of each character’s development and ensure their actions and dialogue align with their established characteristics.

Word Count and Progress Tracking:

For writers who are working on longer projects, such as novels or academic papers, a dry erase board can be used to track word count goals and overall progress. Writers can set daily or weekly word count targets and update the board as they achieve their goals. This visual representation can be motivating and helps writers stay focused on their writing targets.

Revision and Editing:

Writers can use a dry erase board during the revision and editing process. They can write down areas that need improvement, notes on specific sections, or reminders for consistency checks. The board allows writers to visualize their editing tasks and ensure that they cover all necessary revisions.

Writing Schedules and Time Management:

A dry erase board can help writers create and manage their writing schedules. They can allocate specific time slots for writing, research, and other related tasks. By having a visible schedule, writers can hold themselves accountable and make sure they dedicate sufficient time to their writing projects.

Inspiration and Motivation:

Alongside practical organization, a dry erase board can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. Writers can add quotes, images, or snippets of their favorite writing to keep their creative juices flowing. Having visual reminders of what inspires them can help writers stay engaged and motivated throughout their writing process.

Remember, the key is to adapt the use of a dry erase board to your specific writing needs and preferences. Experiment with different techniques and find the organization methods that work best for you.

Lastly, the beauty of a dry erase board lies in its flexibility. Writers can easily modify, rearrange, and erase content, making it an ideal tool for the ever-evolving writing process.

To your success!

Irene Roth

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