
Habit 11: Stay Passionate About Your Writing

It can be hard to keep our levels of enjoyment when we write on an even keel. But in order to write consistently and at our best, we must try to do so as much as this is possible for optimal success as a writer. When a writer is passionate, she is excited when she sits down to write. In addition, the passionate writer finds that this passion propels her to write every day. Second, the passionate writer looks ahead to her writing time and loves to write. This excitement gives a writer the courage and motivation to write often. A passionate writer also wants to write the best quality manuscripts that she is capable to write. This all adds up to a good quality of writing life. Lastly, a passionate writer is motivated to be an excellent writer. This helps her to be at her best and to write in such a way that she enjoys writing and writes manuscripts that are of the best quality at all times. This can be hard to achieve. But if a writer has passion, all things are indeed possible. So, try and stay passionate to your writing. This will not only help you to get to your desk every day, but it will help to be your best and feel most self-confident. And these are two things that are necessary for you to be an excellent writer.

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