
Book Review: Fubars by Paddy Bostock

Fubars By Paddy Bostock This is a story that will keep you engaged in the story until the last word of the last page. It is an unforgettable and unique story that will leave you thinking and reflecting on the state of the world and your personal life. I just love stories like this. Is there something in a name? There is in that names allude to a person and his or her background as well as culture. Every name and every person has a story, a background that has to be told. It is by hearing about these people’s stories that we can become who are uniquely too. We all have good and bad inside all of us. We just need to accept it. The characters showcased in Fubars have an amazing depth. They are all interesting in their own right because they come from so many different backgrounds and cultural settings. Some of these characters have shady backgrounds. Others are inspiring and even people who make one feel inspired. Here is a selection of the more important characters that Bostock entertains in his story. Fergus Ulysses Barr is a timid person of British descent who is multifaceted. He is selfish and rich. Dwayne Junior Zobinsky is the son of a New York businessmen as well as an artist. Tosh is a rebel and wandering musician of sorts. Then there are all the other characters who represent all of us in one way or the other. They are politicians and parents as well as girlfriends and all kinds of other people in between. One of the themes that emerges as the story unfolds is that reconciliation and harmony is much more possible in our private lives than in the lives of public office. The only thing that is constant is strife and conflict. And we don’t have to go far to witness that in our political and cultural arenas. This is another one of Paddy Bostock’s great stories. I have read most of his latest books, and I can honestly say that he is a GREAT storyteller. The characters are real and they have soul. The questions posed are deep and sometimes they even took my breath away. Rating: 5 stars Reviewed by: Irene S. Roth

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