April 13, 2011

There are so many things that can rob us of our writing time at our desks. Some things can be expected, while other things can be avoided and eliminated altogether. In the next few minutes, I will share with you some key tips to ensure that you not only find time to write but that…

March 25, 2011

Being a Gracious Virtual Host By Karen Cioffi Virtual tours are becoming commonplace, yet it seems not all participants are aware of the etiquette involved. To enlighten some and remind others, it might be a good idea to go over some of the basics of being a gracious and proficient virtual host. For those who…

March 2, 2011

Some of us say that we are too busy to write. Most of our day seems to be filled with activities that take us from one activity to another, and we just can’t seem to focus long enough to write. This is especially the case for individuals who work full time and are trying to…

February 28, 2011

One of the most important things that you could do as a writer is to write every day. Even one day away from the desk will mean a loss of focus and a loss of flow. And this can result in a substantial loss of productivity. So, get into the habit of writing every day,…

February 25, 2011

Online Marketing Opportunities and Opportunity Costs By Karen Cioffi The list of online marketing gurus is growing every day. Every time I turn around there is another site full of valuable marketing resources and the site owner is willing to email additional information, and I get a how-to ebook, free. How do you say no…

February 23, 2011

People who have been following me on my writing blog will know my answer to this question. But I want to reflect on it again here as it is one of the most important questions that we could ask ourselves as writers. We all have busy lives, and sometimes we bring that same kind of…

February 11, 2011

5 Steps for Final Stages of Self-Editing By Karen Cioffi There is so much involved in self-editing; the lists and checkpoints can fill a book. But, in this article we’ll look at how to do a final once over. These are steps to take after you’ve proofread and self-edited the manuscript and had it critiqued,…

January 19, 2011

There’s nothing worse than having fuzzy goals. Fuzzy goals are goals that you set but that you’re not sure you can fulfill. These may also be goals that you don’t have a clear sense of, even while you were setting them. Fuzzy goals won’t help you to be successful. My goals last year were all…

January 12, 2011

Determining your writing goals can be very difficult. This is especially the case when you have to make long-term goals. However, without long-term writing goals, you will be very unfocused and your writing career will suffer. Once you make a list of your long-term goals, you could deduce your short-term goals from them. Once you…

January 3, 2011

I am very excited to announce the launch of a new E-book that will be available on my blog within a few weeks. Please visit to receive expert advice about different aspects of the writing life. And there is more good news! You could download this book for FREE! Isn’t that just a wonderful way…