April 26, 2021

Writers don’t always have a lot of free time to write. The younger we are, the more of a tendency there is for us to be busy. We have kids, or are about to have kids, we have jobs or are at home with our kid’s full time, and we have husbands who work long…

March 29, 2021

The Making of a Spy By Jay Johnson     Everyone’s childhood is influenced by the parents and other adults. Some of these experiences are good and wholesome, while others are not so good. But this story is poignant and honest, and it showcases some of these experiences.     Most of us, either intentionally or unintentionally,…

March 10, 2021

Raging Waters in the South China Sea: What the Battle for Supremacy Means for Southeast Asia By Rachel Winston This is a clear, well-written, and interesting book about the South China Sea. I had no idea that there were so many environmental issues in Southeast China. This makes this book a must-read for all conscientious…

February 11, 2021

Living in Cleveland With the Ghost of Joseph Stalin By Marc Sercomb This is a supernatural story that has deep metaphysical underpinnings. Being a philosopher, I genuinely enjoyed the story because it was so different and brilliant in the way it was portrayed and written. The characters are multi-dimensional and deep, taking the reader on…

February 1, 2021

How to Abolish Child Sexual Abuse Begin by Asking: Is that a Sexual Predator Hiding behind that badge? By Steve A. Mizera It is sad that child abuse is so prevalent by law enforcement people such as the police. We are taught from an early age to respect the Police because they are supposed to…

December 20, 2020

Hi folks! Over the next week, I am going to continue nudging you to think more about 2020 and how your writing went. Here are a few questions to ask yourself: 1. Were you as successful as you wanted to be? Did you complete all your goals, or most of them? 2. What were some…

November 23, 2020

Since next week is Thanksgiving week for many of you, it’s a good idea to plan this week carefully as far as writing goes because we probably won’t get much writing done next week. With that in mind, I took some time early this morning to plan out my week. I know its not Thanksgiving…

November 16, 2020

If you’re a writer, time is your most precious commodity. So how do you spend your writing time? If you’re struggling to become a fulltime freelance writer or a best selling author, you need to be particularly mindful of how you spend your time each day during your working hours. Generally, freelance writers are ALWAYS…

October 26, 2020

Last week, I posted an article on the difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivations. I also mentioned that you must strive to strike a balance between internal and external motivations in order to be most successful and feel fulfilled as a writer. Well, today, I will follow up on that idea and hopefully make you…

October 12, 2020

There are many writers who confuse negotiation with neglecting their family. They feel that when they sit down to write, their family will be neglected. However, there is nothing further from the truth. In order get some writing done, you can’t be at the beck and call of your family and friends. In other words,…