
Are you Getting Closer to Your Three Main Writing Goals?

I hope you are getting closer to deriving your three goals for the new year. 2011 will be so much more productive if you could do this now. Last year I just kept floundering in the dark with my writing goals. If I had monthly goals, I was doing well. But to have goals that cohered from beginning to end—that was just not happening for me. I wasn’t ready to make some important decisions about my writing and my niche. I spent most of this year thinking what my three writing goals are. I spent two whole success journals writing about what I liked to write about for teens and tweens. I have a Philosophy and Psychology background. So, I thought I should do something that would use some of my expertise. So, that is how I decided on my three main writing goals for this year. Whatever you do fellow writers, discover what it is that you love to write about, and then include them in your three writing goals. Have those in place by December 31st, 2010 and the next year will take care of itself. From then on, you could create a weekly and monthly writing/marketing plan that will reflect those goals and you will be all set. So, good luck over the next few days, and I will be in touch next week, when we’re getting closer to ringing in the New Year. Give yourself a break this year! Write down your writing goals before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. Merry Christmas Everyone! ~ Irene

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