
Are you doing too much?

Many of us are doing way too much. We may take too many courses and workshops. We have too many clients. We are running from one thing to the other with no coherence.

As a result, we keep overextending ourselves. We overspend as a result to because none of these workshops are cheap. They all promise so much. But if we are tired and frazzled from overdoing it, we won’t be able to follow through in order to be successful.

What we need to do is to have times when we are thinking, being, and just resting. When we take the time to rest, we will be more successful than ever. We will write more, and we will be more organized.

Why do we need times when we’re unplugged and not doing anything? I believe we need to make time to just think and take stock. I am most successful when I schedule such times for myself every week.

So, today, look over your schedule and start taking a few unimportant things off your list. Remember, as a writer, you need down time to rest and regroup in order to be at your best.

Try it!
