
About LR Gray’s Book

LR Gray’s book is a very excellent picture book about how to conquer your fears and to trust in God. It is a book that kids of all ages will enjoy over and over again. 41FeMmqXefL._SY498_BO1,204,203,200_[1]Dizella jpegHere is more information about this wonderful book 1. What is the theme of your book or description Who Goes There is a story where fear, imagination and a good name comes together all in a very stressful night. We know fear is something that can get to the best of us as well as our imagination. And in this story a good name brings favor for a very good man who needed a little help. This book is also about family love. Which Granny Gray explains in her memories of her childhood. Sometimes love comes with unthinkable home remedies, like cow manure tea, spider webs and soot, catnip tea and a spat of chewed tobacco. 2. Who is the audience for your book? Anyone and Everyone. 3. Can you provide us with you publisher information? The publisher is Halo Publishing. 4. What is your Email My email address is 5. What contact information do you want the reader to have about you? My Phone number is: 210-980-7675 6. Where is it available for purchase? My book is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble. It is also available everywhere books are sold. 7. Please include anything else that a potential buyer of your book may need. This book is safe for our little ears to hear and little eyes to read. Thank you so much for being here on my blog again! My readers are enjoying reading all about your book.  

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