
About Mark Spencer’s book

spencer_cover_3dPlease describe your book to my readers. 1. What is the theme of your book or description This is a holiday book about the very first Christmas Eve in the stable before Joseph & Mary arrived. 2. Audience It was written for anyone who loves the magic of Christmas 3. Publisher Information Halo Publishing International. 4. Please let us know what your Email address is. For the book and its website (not up until later this coming week). For our correspondence use 5. What is your contact information you want the reader to have about you? It is for the book’s website and in it there will be emails and contact forms for writing the author, for writing to Mouse, and for interest in book signings and fundraising for ministries. 6. Your website address www.THECHRISTMASMOUSE.COM mark-spencer-jpeg7. Where is it available for purchase? It is available on Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Thank you so much! It is GREAT to have you here on my blog today. Readers, stay tuned for Friday’s post when Mark Spencer will be talking about his writing life.

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