
You are a Writer (So start acting like one)

You are a writer. coverYou are a Writer (So start acting like one) By: Jeff Goins Tribe Press, 2015 ISBN: 978-0-9903785-0-1 This is great book for writers. It covers a lot of different important topics, converging on one main theme: If you write, you are a writer. Writers are always looking for people to regard them as writers. This is the ultimate compliment. Yet, for many of us, we could wait a very long time for someone to acknowledge us in this way. Most agents and editors don’t have the time to send complements to writers, much less tell them that they are writers. For many writers, the invisibility and lack of acknowledgement can cause a tremendous amount of anxiety and a lack of self-confidence. If you are such a writer, and are looking for approval from the outside, this book is for you! Jeff Goins encourages writers that they should spend more time writing than looking for approval from others. Instead, they should try to produce their best work by writing. And as long as we’re writing, we are writers! You can start acting as a writer by writing every day. Also, you need to get read by others. The internet makes this possible and relatively easy to develop. To be a writer, you need a blog, platform and brand as well as channels of connection. Goins spends one chapter on each of these important aspects of a writer’s career to dispel the mysteries of how to set up these public arenas. What I love about this book is the upbeat and inspiring message that is contained in this book. Writers cannot afford not to read it. Reviewed by Irene S. Roth About Irene S. Roth

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