
A GREAT book to Read at the end of the Year to be your best in 2015

51ielkJLc3L[1]The Balance of Living Well: 6 ways to achieve total harmony in your life By Rose Reisman This is a book about Rose’s philosophy of life and how she balances the demands of her life. Women all have a lot of balls up in the air, and self-care if often not one of these balls, much less cultivating a balance in life. Rose has written fifteen books and this book seems to compile many of the important nuggets from her previous books to form a complete system that all women could live by. We can all get more from our lives. We all seem to run on empty all the time. Some of this is cultural. But a lot of it is self-imposed bad habits and a lack of self-care, resulting in bad health and problematic relationships. After a while, we turn stale and unconscious just so that we could keep running. But what precisely are we running from? Each of us has different answers to this question. We each need to find our own life balance. But many of us aren’t able to do this on our own without a bit of instruction and motivation. Rose’s book will provide that encouragement that we need. We either don’t know how to create balance in our lives or we don’t want to make the effort to change our unhealthy habits which may eventually cause many health problems. Rose’s book will set us on the right path. Rose’s recipe towards wellness focuses on fitness, food, family, friends, fashion, and finance. These are the six hallmarks towards achieving balance in life. These areas of life, once considered and changes made to improve wellness, will indeed help you to feel much better quicker. This is a GREAT book to read at the end of the year, such as we’re approaching here. Read the book and make 2015 your best and healthiest year yet! To your health! Thanks so much Rose for such an inspiring and timely book! Rating: 5+ Stars Reviewed by: Irene S. Roth

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