
Ensuring that Your Audience believes in You

Writers who write for kids must develop a rapport with their readers. The only real way to do that is to write in such a way that you, as a writer, connect with your readers. To achieve this, you should get to know as many children as possible. What do they want, fear, and expect? What do they do in their day? What is usual and unusual behavior for them in different circumstances? How much free time do they have? What do they eat? When and where do they eat? Do they have their own phones? Do they have pets? And so on. It is perhaps best to know a few children well then to know many children slightly. You may find more revelation about a child’s point of view from one child than from a group. Children and teens are usually very demonstrative and honest about their feelings and emotions. They haven’t learned how to hide them or to lie about them. Children and teens do have things common, however. It will help in your writing greatly if you have a bit of background in child psychology, although it isn’t necessary. Most parents read reams on what to expect from children at each age of their life. Thus, a good book on parenting will probably give you as much information as you need for ideas on what to write about or even plots. Although theoretical knowledge is great, it is no substitute for friendships with children. Here are a few things that kids and teens have in common and what I tend to write about: 1. Kids and teens like to read about things that will stretch them as individuals. 2. Kids and teens like to read about heros and how they can emulate those heros in their lives. 3. Kids and teens love to read about positive things, and they don’t enjoy to be put down through writing. 4. Kids and teens don’t like to read about things that demand that they do certain things. They like to be encouraged and convinced that something is important. 5. Kids and teens love to learn new things and to look at things in a unique way. That will help stretch their mind and how they view things themselves that are important to them. 6. Kids and teens love to know about fun things and how to have fun as much as possible. So, it is very important for writers to write in a fresh way that will appeal to kids and teens. So make friends with a few kids and teens today in order to write material that is relevant to them. ~ Irene

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