
A Well-Crafted Suspense Thriller

Anthony DiPaolo’s thriller, suspense story is superbly written and richly descriptive. The characters are brilliant, and the settings are so vibrant. The story is so wonderfully woven in this supernatural thriller. The story grabs the attention of the reader from the beginning to the last word. It is an incredible story that will have you reading until it is all done. The story is a fabled Ancient Egyptian papyrus which has been split into twelve parts and placed discretely around the globe at all the major archaeological sites. These people face quite a few mysteries that guide their investigations. The group of investigators must face all manner of supernatural nemesis as they race against time. They also face two enigmatic demons who are determined to acquire The Twelve Hours and opening the gates to Hell. This is a story that is very analytic and reflective. It will make the reader think and wonder if there is more to the story than meets the eye. It is a story that has amazing breath and depth. It will have the reader coming back for more. It has perfect pacing, wonderful world building, and just the right balance of suspense and angst to keep the reader entranced. I look forward to reading a lot more by this author. DiPaolo is a great storyteller, and he crafts a story that is believable and unforgettable. It is a story that will linger with you, no matter how you try to solve the mystery. If you want a good story, this one is for you. Just sit down, pour yourself a drink of choice and start reading. There is never a dull moment in this story.

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