
A Three-Step Plan to Get Your Writing Goals Completed

Therefore, I believe that prioritization of goals comes on two distinct but sometimes overlapping levels: the micro level and macro level. The macro level are your larger goals—the goals that define who you are as a person. The micro goals are the goals that you pursue to improve and become an even more improved and authentic person. From this scheme it follows that my macro goals are the large goals, such as my health, family and writing. But my micro goals are those mini goals that I use to get healthier, a better family member, and a more successful writer. So, take the time to do some reflecting and soul-searching this week as I take you through the three-step plan to get your writing done. May this month’s mini workshop continue to transform your writing career and give you more time for some of the most important things in life, your health and family. A Three Step Plan for Getting Your Writing Done There are three steps to get your writing done. They are as follows:

First, learn how to do first things first

It is very difficult for writers to know how to set up their writing lives so that first things come first. This takes a bit of organization at first, and it isn’t always easy to tell what is first unless we prioritize our writing goals and projects. In this section, I will be chatting to you a bit about how to make sure that you do first things first. Without that kind of planning and organization, you won’t be a successful writer who produces manuscripts, sends them out to publishers, and finally gains a contract. Here are five tips to ensure that you do learn how to do first things first. 1. To do first things first, prepare a quarterly writing plan for your three main writing goals. This plan should contain your three main writing goals for the first three months of the year and how you intend to achieve each of them. Have no more than three goals. Be absolutely scrupulous and selective about your writing goals. You could always add one additional writing goal later on if you complete the goals that you set out to accomplish. However, committing to more than 3 main goals at a time is a recipe for disaster. 2. From your quarterly list of goals, schedule your three-monthly goals. Once you write these down, you could actually plan them on your monthly planner, and when you plan to complete each writing goal. Have no more than three main writing goals for each week. Each line should contain one of your top three writing goals for the month. 3. From the monthly list of writing goals, you can prepare a weekly marketing and writing plan. Every weekend, sit down and plan your next week’s writing activities. This plan should echo your monthly marketing and writing plan. Don’t add anything else except what you decided will further your three main goals. 4. When you are ready to write, do your most important writing assignments and projects first. Prioritizing takes some effort and discipline. However, with practise, you will gain more momentum and will know what to work on first.

Second, Mentally Prepare to Write During your scheduled time

Here are three tips to mentally prepare yourself to write.

  • Do a five-minute centering exercise. To center, all you need to do is close your eyes and focus on something pleasant, such as a landscape or a nature scene. Then open your eyes. You will be much more centred and ready to work.
  • Carve a proper writing routine for yourself, one that fits your schedule. Write it out in your writing journal or in your planner.
  • Prioritize your writing tasks and stick to your schedule throughout your writing time. Write it out in your writing journal or planner.

Third, work with intentionality and purpose

When you sit down to write, think of nothing else but your writing and what is in front of you. Just do each writing task that you decided to do initially, and don’t second guess yourself. As you get your writing tasks done, check them off using a red pen. This will give you a feeling of accomplishment and completion. This will motivate you to stay focussed more often because you will get so much more done. Try and focus on one writing task at a time. Don’t think about what you will do next or what you will do later. Instead, just take the time to concentrate on your current task. In other words, focus on what is right in front of you and let other things take care of themselves later. There is a time and a place for everything. By following these tips, you will be much more successful and productive during the times that you allot to write. Don’t forget to be very serious about your writing. This is the only way that you will be successful. Until next Monday!

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