
You Can Do It!

Do you think you could do the July NaNoWriMo? Well, I don’t even know you and I will honestly say that YES you certainly can do it and will gain a lot from trying. All you need to do it is to have a positive attitude towards writing. That’s right a positive attitude and not a negative one. Many writers go into July feeling like they won’t be able to make the challenge. They will quit at some point in the month. Its just a matter of when. That is what you call the typical negative attitude. What writers must do instead is to say that they WILL COMPLETE THE CHALLENGE. They have to go into this POSITIVELY. Then they will have a chance to complete the challenge. Also, you could revise the challenge a bit, given your time constraints and your own needs. Remember, this is supposed to be fun and you’re supposed to learn a lot from this experience. This experience isn’t supposed to make you feel awful or inept. So, if it does, you may as well not partake in the July NaNoWriMo because its purpose hasn’t been fulfilled. Happy Planning, fellow writers! ~ Irene

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