
Writing During Thanksgiving Week

Since next week is Thanksgiving week for many of you, it’s a good idea to plan this week carefully as far as writing goes because we probably won’t get much writing done next week. With that in mind, I took some time early this morning to plan out my week. I know its not Thanksgiving for me. But I have a Birthday to plan and so there will be cooking and preparation for that. I also am starting to send my Christmas cards out. So, there are distractions. It is the season for that. Therefore, I am take the time to look for every eventuality of distraction and to write despite these distractions. Now, all you need to do this week is stick with your plan to finish out the month productively and still enjoy Thanksgiving. I know you can do it! It just takes a bit of planning. Therefore, spend some time today planning out your week, then simply stick to your plan for a strong finish to the month. Try it!

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