
Writing Buddies…….

Writers have all kinds of writing buddies. So far, I have been writing a lot about the importance of critique groups and getting writing buddies and partners to keep you accountable for your work. Well, today, I will be reflecting and writing about another type of writing buddy one of the fury variety. As some of you know, my older cat, Casey, passed away in January. I was devastated and still am. He was my writing partner and companion while I wrote my endless manuscripts and articles. Since he passed away, I miss him terribly. So, I decided that I needed a new little fury writing buddy and companion. Last week, I went to our local animal shelter and adopted a little kitten. He is seven weeks old and his name is Tobey. He is so sweet and adorable! Since he came home, he has been a wonderful writing buddy and companion. He has made me realize how precious life can really be. I will devote one day to him each week, if for no other reason than to show you how he’s growing and maturing. He is so cute and such a blessing to me. I thank God that He gave me another writing buddy that is bright and wonderful. You will see a photo of him to your right. I also included his photo with my blog yesterday. Do you have a fury writing buddy? If not, I would suggest that you get one soon. You will be so glad that you did! ~ Irene

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