
Sunshine Laughing by Anna-Marie Fuller

“Sunshine Laughing” is a book of poems that have an amazing depth and breath. I have never read poems that were so transforming and breathtaking. There are such wonderful illustrations in this poetry book. Some are by Anna-Marie Fuller and others are by her husband, Peter.

This compilation of poems is written in eloquent verses. After reading the poems, I felt so full of profound philosophical contemplations, thoughts, and raw emotion. Being a philosopher myself, these poems resonated with me to the core of my being. I was transformed by these poems in unimaginable ways.

“Sunshine Laughing” is a graceful examination of the human condition, which includes our hopes, fears, happiness, and sadness. These poems will make the reader smile one time and cry another. It is a compilation of poems that really transform that I will treasure for a long time.

Every poem serves as a gateway into the author’s soul, providing the deepest insights into her deepest longings, challenges, and successes. Fuller’s words will summon an authentic resonance, which ranges from existential contemplations on the mysteries of the cosmos through sentimental childhood recollections.

Moreover, in each verse, Fuller’s vibrant imagery depicts abstract landscapes of thought and emotion. Every individual composition is a meticulously crafted tapestry of linguistic elements, designed to elicit deep sentiments from the reader.

“Sunshine Laughing” serves as a testimony to the lasting impact and brilliance of Anna-Marie Fuller’s poems. Despite this fact, she has left our wonderful world, her poetry will have a lasting impact for many generations to come. This book does homage to the life and brilliance of Anna Marie Fuller. Fuller’s poetry has a grace and charm that you can only experience by reading and re-reading her poems. I fully admit to reading the book three times. I just couldn’t get enough of it.

An unforgettable and mesmerizing book of poetry! The title of the book captures the essence of the book as well. Just simply a tour de force!

Irene Roth

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