
Setting Yourself Up for a Successful Fall

I can’t believe it’s almost September in a few days.  Where has the summer gone?  I hope you had a productive summer and check off at least one thing off your list that was an important step towards completing your main writing goal for the year.

Or perhaps you finished a small goal that you had for personal fulfillment. Not only do we, as writers, need to grow and expand our horizons to feel more inspired but taking a break from our main writing goals, even if it is for a change, can really help boost our confidence and be successful.

If you had a really quiet summer and you did very little writing, you still have four months before this year ends to complete your writing goals. To set yourself up for success, follow these steps:

  • Decide what steps you have to take this fall towards completing your primary goal for the year, or at least moving closer to completing it.
  • Set your goals for the last quarter and write them down. By writing your goals down, you will be more likely to complete them.
  • Take your quarterly writing goal(s) and break them up into smaller monthly chunks. By breaking up your big goals into smaller ones, you will be more likely to complete them because they will be more doable and less overwhelming.
  • Take your monthly goals and break them up into weekly goals. Decide which goals you will complete in September.
  • Once you decide on your monthly writing goals, decide what you will complete this week, and break up that goal into five or six days, depending on how many days you will write this week.

And that’s it!  It’s that easy to set yourself up for success!

So today, make sure that you set some time to figure out which goals you want to complete this fall. Then write them down in a prominent place so that come September, you will be ready to complete them.

This, my dear friends, is your blueprint to success.

Try it!

Irene Roth

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