
Rejection is a Way of Life for a Writer

Rejection is never easy to deal with for writers. Yet you can’t be a writer without rejection. Rejection seems to so much part of a writer’s life. It is just as much a part of the writer’s life as it is part of a butcher’s job to cut himself from time to time. Rejection is an intimate part of the writing life. Mature writers deal with rejection with much more equanimity than amateur ones. This may be the case because amateur writers want to get published so badly. And if they don’t get published for a long time, they start getting really frustrated and disillusioned. Some amateur writers hate rejection so much that they won’t send anything out to publishers. I’m not going to say that rejection is easy, because it isn’t. But I have to say that you have to be rejected before you get accepted. Most amateur writers don’t even know what they are doing wrong until they meet a kind editor who will give them feedback on a manuscript. Most editors are way too busy to offer such help. But if you have numerous rejections from one particular editor, you may ask for tips or pointers. I did this very thing a few years ago. I kept submitting to a magazine editor. When I received my third rejection from this particular editor, I wrote to her kindly and asked if she could give me some tips to improve what I submit in future so that I could be more successful to meet the magazine’s needs. And I was lucky. She emailed back a few pages of comments and I never looked back. The next time I submitted a manuscript to this magazine, she purchased it! So, dealing with rejection isn’t easy. But it is a necessary part of the writer’s life. Don’t take it personally and try to move past rejection. And try as much as possible to learn from it because sometimes by studying your rejections you could learn what you need to get your manuscripts accepted. ~ Happy writing! ~ Irene

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