
Oh, But I Don’t Have Time to Write

We all know people who have a difficult time to find time to write. Some people work several jobs to make ends meet. So, it’s understandable that they are struggling to find even a small window of time to write. And even when they do, they’re tired, achy and unable to focus and think straight.

But I dare say most of us have time to write, yet we don’t.  We focus on everything but what’s important. We take courses, dream of being a New York bestseller, yet do nothing productive to ensure that we become a successful writer.

New York Bestselling writers write consistently. That’s how they became successful! Yes, they took courses and attended writer’s retreats. But their main focus was on whatever manuscript they were writing.

They didn’t have time to waste.  They knew what they had to do every week to move their main goal of completing a manuscript closer to completion. And they did nothing, or very little else.

Yet many of the writers that I coach will find tons of stuff that has nothing to do with their main goal. In other words, they don’t make their main goal their main goal.

Instead, they fumble, take classes, read blogs, cruise the internet, do research, and text with their friends while they should be writing.

So how can be more successful? By making our main goal just that – our main goal. By making sure that every day and every week, we move our goals closer to completion.

Are you ready to commit to your writing goal to this degree?  If you are, you’ll be successful.

Try it!

Irene Roth

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