
Embracing Joy in Writing

Jane Yolen’s Sage Advice for Aspiring Writers

In the realm of literature, few names resonate as profoundly as Jane Yolen’s. With a prolific career spanning over four decades, Yolen has penned more than 400 books, encompassing genres from fantasy to children’s literature.

Her influence is monumental, not just through her stories but also through her insightful guidance for writers. One of her most cherished works, Take Joy: A Writer’s Guide to Loving the Craft, delves into the heart of writing with wisdom that transcends time and trends. Yolen’s advice is both practical and philosophical, urging writers to find joy in their craft as a cornerstone of success.

At the heart of Yolen’s philosophy is the notion that joy should be the driving force behind writing. She posits that writing is not merely a means to an end but an end in itself. In Take Joy, Yolen encourages writers to embrace the process, to find pleasure in the act of creation rather than fixating solely on the finished product. This shift in perspective can transform the often daunting task of writing into a fulfilling and enjoyable journey.

Here are five tips that Yolen believes will help writers be successful.

The most important piece of advice Yolen offers is to write regularly. She emphasizes the importance of developing a writing habit, akin to a muscle that needs regular exercise to stay strong.

Yolen suggests setting aside dedicated time each day for writing, even if it’s just for a few minutes. This consistent practice helps to build discipline and keeps the creative juices flowing. By making writing a routine part of one’s day, the act becomes less intimidating and more integrated into daily life.

Second, Yolen underscores the importance of reading widely and voraciously. She believes that exposure to diverse genres and styles can significantly enrich a writer’s own work.

Reading not only broadens one’s understanding of different narrative techniques but also sparks inspiration and ideas. Yolen advises writers to read with a critical eye, analyzing what works and what doesn’t in the books they read, and applying those insights to their own writing.

Third, writers should acceptance, and even expect, imperfection. She reassures writers that first drafts are meant to be rough and that the true artistry of writing often emerges during the revision process.

Yolen advocates for separating the creative phase from the critical phase, allowing oneself to write freely without the paralyzing fear of making mistakes. Editing, she insists, is where the magic happens, where a rough idea can be polished into a gem.

Fourth, Yolen touches on the importance of finding one’s unique voice. She encourages writers to stay true to their own perspectives and experiences, rather than trying to mimic popular trends or other authors.

Authenticity, she believes, resonates more deeply with readers and sets a writer apart in a crowded literary landscape. By embracing one’s individuality, a writer can create work that is both original and compelling.

Fifth, Yolen highlights the value of perseverance. The path to becoming a successful writer is often fraught with rejection and setbacks. Yolen herself faced numerous rejections before achieving success, and she urges writers not to be disheartened by the inevitable obstacles. Persistence, coupled with a passion for the craft, is essential for overcoming challenges and continuing to grow as a writer.

In Take Joy, Jane Yolen offers a treasure trove of wisdom for writers at any stage of their journey. Her advice transcends mere technical guidance, delving into the emotional and psychological aspects of writing.

By advocating for joy, regular practice, wide reading, acceptance of imperfection, authenticity, and perseverance, Yolen provides a holistic approach to writing that can help writers not only achieve success but also find fulfillment in their craft. Her words are a testament to the transformative power of writing and a reminder that, above all, it should be an act of joy.

Try it!

Irene Roth

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