
Book Review by Irene Roth

The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing Mayra Calvani and Anne K. Edwards Twilight Times Books ISBN 978-1-933353-22-7 Copyright, 2008 Softcover, 190 pages, $16.95 Reference/Writing Are you a book reviewer for different publishers and blogs? Do you struggle to write effective and successful? Do you feel like an amateur, despite the fact you have reviewed many books over the years? If you answered any of these questions in the affirmative, this book is for you. The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing outlines the ingredients of a successful and effective book review. The authors also discuss in detail the big responsibility that book reviewers have to review the books professionally and honestly. Throughout the book, Calvani and Edwards discuss how tricky it is to review a book professionally. Writing book reviews is an art indeed, even for the most seasoned reviewer. A reviewer has to honestly evaluate the book and its contents and decide whether or not the book is a good enough to be read by others. This is quite a responsibility because a reviewers review will influence a wide spectrum of readership, from librarians to booksellers. I would recommend this book to anyone who is either thinking of becoming a book reviewer or is currently a reviewer but isn’t sure of the mechanics of a good review. Calvani and Edwards will take such individuals through the steps of an effective review so that they don’t make amateurish mistakes in their reviews any longer. I know I will be a much better reviewer as a result of reading this book. Thank you ladies! 4 Roses Reviewed by Irene S. Roth This review will also appear on Amazon Books and my writing blog at and my two book review blogs at and

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