
A Well-Written Book With an Urgent Appeal to Environmentalists

Raging Waters in the South China Sea: What the Battle for Supremacy Means for Southeast Asia By Rachel Winston This is a clear, well-written, and interesting book about the South China Sea. I had no idea that there were so many environmental issues in Southeast China. This makes this book a must-read for all conscientious citizens of the world. It is a book that will open your eyes and it should make you angry at the situation that South China has had to endure with no solutions being sought to date. The power of awareness and activism is usually enough to propel environmentalists into action. However, it is disappointing that the destruction of coral reefs in the South China Sea has not reached a level of utter disbelief for environmentalists. In fact, they have turned their backs on the devastation that South China faces. The devastation caused by artificial island building in the South Sea is not only killing the coral but changing the conditions of sea life, marine habitats, and ocean acidification. However, no one talks about this situation. The utter disregard for artificial island construction seems especially heartbreaking since we live in a social media saturated world that is technologically connected on every angle. There is a lot of attention to other environmental concerns. But the concern regarding coral reef loss in the South China Sea is missing. Therefore, environmentalists must find a way to become increasingly interested and even angry at what is happening in the South China Sea. This book and all the facts that are contained in it should give them enough data to want to help and to want to improve this beautiful land and water. China has a rich history. The book is full of important information, which is organized in small, easy to read and understand bundles. It uses map charts a lot as well as graphics and documents to illustrate the points that are made. The photographs are also stunning, showcasing the beauty of South China. What a great book with an extremely urgent message. I will certainly pass this e-book along to all my friends and my husband who is the history buff in my life. For more information on the book and author, please visit: Website: Amazon ebooks (or Other) Purchase Link:

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