
A to Z Blog Challenge

D = Discipline

It takes many writers discipline to get to their desks and write every day. But once this discipline is established, the writing will take on a life of its own. For most writers, it takes a long time to develop the discipline to write. And in many cases, this is not their fault either. Writers have to wear so many different hats, especially part time writers who have another full time job and a family. I am always so impressed by women, and men, who STILL get the writing done, despite their long hours and constant hardships. If you are a writer who is still struggling with developing the discipline to write, take heart. You are not alone. Many writers struggle with this, especially writers who have SO SO much on the go. Here are a few tips that will hopefully help you to develop the discipline to write: 1. Spend some time to determine only THREE of your main writing goals and write them down on a piece of paper. 2. Draft up a weekly writing schedule using your three main writing goals and slot one goal per day. 3. Determine what time you will start writing and when you will end your session. Write that down on your weekly writing schedule. 4. Stick to your writing time once it is determined. If you feel tired or distracted, try to focus. Take a few deep breaths before starting. But whatever you do, don’t do anything but write during your allotted writing time. By following these tips, you’ll be developing the discipline to write, despite your many duties and daily toils. Remember, you’re a writer, and you can write by taking a few simple steps. Try it! Irene S. Roth, MA Author and Editor

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  • wildhorse33
    April 5, 2012 - 4:10 am · Reply

    Hello Versatile Blogger – I was nominated by a blogger/writing friend and in turn – I have nominated you. I love reading your words and am happy to share them. You can pull the badge from my site and copy the post – keep up the awesome work and keep on writing! Linda

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