
A to Z Blog Challenge

B = Believe

After developing a positive attitude, believing in your abilities as a writer is the next most important thing. This will help to motivate you to get your writing done and to be the best that you can be as a writer. It can be difficult for writers to believe in themselves. There are so many forces telling writers that they are not good enough. Then there is the constant barrage of rejection letters and put downs by editors and other writing peers in writing groups or coaches. All of these forces can wreak havoc with our self-confidence as a writer. Here are a few tips to ensure that you believe in yourself as a writer: 1. Don’t compare yourself to other writers. There is nothing worse to build a positive attitude and motivate yourself to write. 2. Be your own spokesperson. Don’t put yourself down in front of other writers or peers. 3. Take self-development workshops from time to time to upgrade your skills. This will not only help you develop as a writer but you will believe in yourself a lot more as time goes on. 4. Watch who you hang around with. Try not to hang around negative, skeptical writers. Instead, find positive people to develop with. 5. Carefully choose a critique group so that you can flourish as a writer. Don’t allow others to put you down or say I know better than you. You are just as much a writer as they are! All of these tips will help you believe in yourself as a writer. In addition, your writing life will improve and you will enjoy your time at your desk if you are motivated to write. Try it! Irene S. Roth, MA Author and Editor

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