
Book Review for BookSneeze

The Boy Who Changed the World Reviewed by Irene Roth For The subtitle of the book tells the reader exactly what the book is about: How your life matters. What a wonderful message to give to kids! Books like this can encourage a young reader to excel, no matter what (s)he does. Throughout the book, Andrews discusses some of the questions that we all have about the meaning of our lives. How can we each make a difference in this vast and sometimes empty world? As the reader turns each page of the book, (s)he will learn that everything we do does indeed matter. In fact, what you did yesterday, what you do today, and what you will do tomorrow all matter. What an empowering message for kids. This overall theme has even more far reaching implications. It would seem that all our actions have an impact on others, in one way or another, not only currently but also right through history. In fact, generations from now, people will still be reaping some of the benefits of our current actions. This book has bold, colorful illustrations. It is easy to read. It could be read either in one sitting or over time to serve as a reminder that what we do matters in the grand scope of things. That is what the butterfly effect is all about. I recommend this book to kids of all ages. It will be a book that could be read many times and it will enrich as well as inspire the reader each time. I received this ARC from the publisher through, book reviewers program. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16CFR, Part 255. Irene S. Roth Please also visit:

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