
You Did SOME writing, right?

It is important for all of us to remember, that most of did a lot more writing than we ordinarily would have during the July NaNoWriMo. I know I did. And given the way this summer was going, I would have done even less, I am sure. This way, I have 30,000 words under my belt towards my novel and I may possibly have another 15,000 more words by the end of the month which is great, given the fact that I have a better plot after my revising it. I think it is important for us, as writers, to reward ourselves and complement ourselves for ALL of our successes, be they small or large. We have to realize that we are doing as well as we can be under the circumstances. To constantly berate yourself and to beat yourself up only creates low self-esteem for writers. So, sit down with a sheet of paper or your journal and list all of the things that you DID do this month. Did you send a few articles out? Did you start a larger project or two? Did you read some interesting books? Did you meet someone on line who will motivate you to excel and to be the best that you can be? If you answered any of these questions in the affirmative, you had a good month. And next week, you will usher a new month and new writing plans. So, don’t fret but enjoy yourself as a writer. ~ Happy Writing! ~ Irene

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