
Determine your Writing Goals for the Summer

One of the purposes for setting your short-term writing goals is to break down your long-term goals into manageable segments so that you could achieve them during the summer. Therefore, taking the time to set short-term goals is crucial to your success during the summer months. Here are some tips to ensure that you are most successful in setting your short-term writing goals: 1. Set your short-term goals every Friday or Sunday, before a new week begins. That way, when Monday arrives, you will know precisely what to work on. 2. Set your monthly goals before a new month starts. That way you’ll be able to know what you must work on to advance and ultimately complete your long-term goals. Further, you will be aware of how many chapters you should write each month in order to complete that book in a year or six months. 3. Set your quarterly writing goals before the summer begins. It is best to evaluate your writing goals on a quarterly basis and determine how you are doing in accomplishing your goals. Try to do this assessment a week before each quarter ends. For instance, for the first quarter assessment, do the assessment during the third week of March. 4. Work towards completing one of your three main writing goals for the year during the summer. Therefore, if one of your yearly goals is to write a book, your second goal is to send out a query every month to a magazine or book publisher, and your last one is to write ten to twelve picture books for personal fulfillment every year, you have to schedule these long-term goals and spread them out over a year. Decide which ones you will work on during the summer. Therefore, during the summer you may want to focus on writing a few picture books. Or, you may want to revise your WIP or write a few short stories that you can submit in the fall. This is still writing, and it can keep you sharp for the fall. What is more, you will complete some short manuscripts that you can be proud of. Therefore, setting short-term goals is crucially important to your success during the summer months. Without scheduling them, you will be lost, and you won’t know how long it takes to complete your long-term writing goals. Instead, you will show up to your desk and simply fumble around with the already precious amount of time that you have available to write during the summer. When you’re working with restricted time and energy, you must write notes to remind yourself where you left off. Otherwise, it may be far easier to cruise the internet then to get some writing done which will waste time and frustrate you even further.

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