
Book Review: The Shy Writer

514Ctqps67L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_The Shy Writer Reborn By C. Hope Clark This is a book for all introverted writers—beginner and well-seasoned or mature. Introverts are a special kind of writer. They don’t mind spending endless hours alone writing at their desks. However, when it comes to actually sending out their work, they are filled with fear and even dread sometimes. This can greatly hinder a writer’s success. Hope Clark shows us how we can take steps to be the best writer (by putting in the long hours at our desks) AND promoting ourselves and sending out our manuscripts to potential publishers. After all, if we merely sit and write without sending out our work, we will never get published. So, why not take small steps today to step outside of our rigid boundaries and comfort zones and step into the public realm so that we can make this happen? Hope Clark shows introverted writers how to step into the public arena with confidence. She discusses how we can control the negative voices in our heads, define and deal with our fears, how to develop a platform, set our priorities and promote ourselves, blog, and write queries and pitches. Lastly, Hope Clark shows us how to hone our self-confidence so that we can comfortably speak in the public realm and present our work so that others will take notice. We can create our safe haven and be successful. Just read The Shy Writer Reborn and find out how to do so most successfully. Listen up introverted writers. Success is possible. Rating: 5 stars Reviewed by: Irene S. Roth

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