
Writing For the Joy of Writing

Many writers believe that they should get published as soon as possible. If they don’t they feel that they will be missing out and will be less of a writer. But nothing is more removed from the truth than that. Writers need to write and not to worry about publication. I tell beginning writers in my workshops to just relax for a couple of years and do some self-exploration. They have to decide which genre they will write in, and if they enjoy writing. This has nothing to do with publishing. In fact, I intentionally say nothing about publishing in the first few months of my courses. It is only when I teach the advanced of writing that I suggest that they start looking towards publishing. I have found that beginning writers really enjoy to explore. They love to just sit down and write, doodle, or do stream of consciousness types of writing. This can help them to develop the love of writing before they have to worry about the cumbersome world of publishing. It can be very difficult to get published. It usually takes many years to even get published with some of the lower end publishers. So, this should not be the end all and be all of our writing life. The process of writing is a beautiful thing. Beginning writers must find this peace and happiness in their writing time right from the beginning. Otherwise, they will be frustrated as writers for the rest of their writing lives—and what a life that would be! I also believe that they happiest writers are the most successful. I had a rare opportunity of talking to a few very successful writers during writer conferences. One of the things that they all seemed to say is how they enjoy writing. They can’t wait to sit down to write. When they wake up in the morning, they put on their favorite PJs or house coat, they crab their java, and run to their office to write. And they all describe their life as GREAT! They all say that it is the best life that they could have. Isn’t that a GREAT thing! We should all strive as writers to cultivate that joy of writing. Then everything else will take care of itself. Until next time! Irene Roth

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