
A Children’s Book Written For Educational Purposes

51PvKCXdOaL._SX258_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_BO1,204,203,200_Highway of Heroes By Kathy Stinson This is a wonderful educational book about our fallen soldiers by a Canadian author. She captures the pain and heartbreak that family members feel when loved ones don’t return because they die in combat. This book is a stunning tribute to our fallen soldiers and a fictional account of one family’s journey along the Highway of Heroes. Kids tend to have such a difficult time during this time, and this book will show kids how difficult it is. But despite this, it is possible to cope with the love of family around us. There is also a nonfiction segment in the book which consists of powerful quotations and moving photos describing the story behind one of the greatest expressions of Canadian pride. The Highway of Heroes is a symbol of Canadian patriotism and shows our gratitude to our fallen men and women in uniform who make the journey from Trenton to Toronto. This book is just in time for Remembrance Day when we take the time to acknowledge our fallen men and women and who made our country what it is today! Rating: 5+ Stars Reviewed by: Irene S. Roth

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